24 pristine aces
About the Boy Scout Tract
The “Boy Scout Tract” is 24 untouched acres in Upper Roxborough, named for the Boy Scouts who used it to camp. The tract is connected to SCEE’s main 340 acres by Port Royal Ave.
The tract was donated to SCEE under the guidance that it could be sold in a time of crisis to help preserve the remaining 340 acres.
The tract is native forest, and the font of one Green Tree Run, one of the last first-order streams in the city.
The following photos were taken by Doug Wechsler and are available on his site.
Spread the Word! Use these images to post on social media.
Share these images on your social media channels. Use hashtag #SaveTheBoyScoutTract
- June 28 – SCEE announces plan to sell
- July 11 – SCEE shares Request for Proposals, due Sept 28
- July – Neighbors begin organizing in opposition to the sale
- September 6 – SCEE announces they have “temporarily suspended” RFP process
- September 7 – Community meeting at Roxborough Church, 8230 Ridge Avenue, at 7pm
- September 8 – Rally at the corner of Hagys Mill road and Port Royal Ave at 8am
- September 23 – Original deadline for proposals for developing Boy Scout tract
- October 1 – Petition to save the land reaches 1,000
- December 7 – SCEE announces that they land will be preserved
Boy Scout Tract Unveiled, Sans Children and Working Community
September 18, 2023
The 24 acre preservation was celebrated on September 13, 2023 at 10am at Higher Ground Church. Unfortunately due to the fact that the event was held during the day, many community members and…
Boy Scout Tract Is Saved!
December 7, 2022
Today, SCEE announced that the 24 Acre Boy Scout Tract will be saved through a conservation easement! This is a huge victory for the neighborhood, the city, and the flora and fauna that…
Rally Draws Dozens and News Coverage
September 9, 2022
Dozens rallied to save the 24 acres of forest today and oppose the sale today. The event was picked up by 6 ABC, however the story was focused on development across all of…